Local skills and Industry 4.0

Reception area: Fougères Agglomeration, Espace Le FIL Date: May 27, 2021
Context and stake
Giang Pham, Consultant - Learning Territories Project Manager
The dynamics of the local economy through the Industry of the future 4.0:
A character of permanent revolution?
A company in perpetual motion?
How to set up structures and systems?
The capacity of institutions to know how to adapt?
Another way of seeing a territory to prepare for the arrival of other organizations.
Pierre Rousseau, Observatory Studies Officer, Pays de Fougères
The Pays de Fougères is present in two communities of municipalities.
The structure was created in 1969 following the industrial crisis.
The territory has been able to adapt to this crisis.
Our role: Disseminate information to facilitate this transition.
Jean-Baptiste Dugue, Observatory Studies Officer, Employment and Training Mission, Pays de Fougère
Our country wanted to adapt to changes in the territory due to ecological transitions, with the evolution of industry.
The Learning Territories project highlights a source of economic development outside the school system. It is therefore going to discover experiences and be able to benefit from them in the territory.
Xavier Lemonde, Host - Director of the European University of Scents and Flavors
The industrial sector is the theme of this webinar. We are talking about 4 industrial revolutions, with a first mechanical order, the second with electricity and mass production, the third with electronics within the company, and the fourth is characterized by the entry of digital.
It changes the way of thinking about production and sales. This latest revolution involves data security, data management, software development, etc.
There are programming issues with increasingly specialized jobs with higher skill levels. Not everyone has the capacity to adapt.
Speech by Michel Balluais, 1st Vice-President of Fougères Agglomerations, delegate for the attractiveness of the territory
XL: How did the territory of Fougères enter this 4th revolution?
Michel Balluais: The notion of learner lasts a lifetime. I was raised in this country, my career is here. It is a territory of the Marches de Bretagne, with two EPCIs which have a very industrial activity but also a lot of agricultural operations both in terms of crops and breeding.
We are strongly marked by a territory of metallurgical industry and high technology, 4.0. We combine the ancestral gesture with this technology.
The industry had a colossal place, there were 1500 workers who crowded the streets. The 1970s were very difficult with a huge unemployment rate. Diversification started in the 1970s and 1980s and continues to this day. There are still companies in the wood, textiles, buildings, etc ... Our network of companies will bring its knowledge to cities like Rennes. There are over 4,500 jobs in the industry that could rise from the ashes, this is proven by the latest observations with a return from old industries. Actors returned to the region trying to produce very high-end shoes, however there were logistical concerns due to digital intelligence. They were looking for people who knew the ancestral gestures of manufacturing. We must combine digital technology and ancestral know-how.
We have a pharmaceutical company that has major labor maintenance concerns. The unemployment rate is the third lowest in Brittany, we must make efforts to attractiveness by making the residential route easier. We try to create houses for the learners. We are trying to launch projects on mobility. We try to stay the course on attractiveness by doing endogenous development.
XL: The territory induces a pedagogy of development, a courageous, hardworking ground. Second point, finally in the subject, we are on skills that come to be added, in connection with the ancestral gesture and the novelty with digital skills.
How does the agglomeration support businesses to develop, with specific needs?
MB: In Fougères, we have agreements with the region and support systems in the region. We do this by the reception capacity.
J.-BD: The first axis is a response on request, it is a question of upgrading the skills of a whole group of employees, by mobilizing the Brittany region or Pôle Emploi to set up training on request.
Then for the more proactive demand. We are here on a proposal to companies: Study their needs and how they can improve their activities. All businesses must be able to see how to evolve.
Speech by Michèle Pracht, Director of the Campus des Métiers Fougères - Vitré Industrie
MP: There are various actors on the campus such as companies (36), professional organizations, the CCI, training organizations, territories such as Fougères Agglomeration, Couesnon Marche de Bretagne, Roche Aux Fées Community, Vitré Community. The region is a member of the association. We also have other partners like the FIL. On campus, we try to overcome the recruitment difficulties in the industry.
The idea started from a strong solicitation of elected officials joined by companies or even CCIs.
We are on an associative status with a reunification of private and public actors, it is a format of cooperation that is emerging. It is a territory where cooperation works very easily because history plays with perhaps a particular temperament which facilitates cooperation.
Our missions are to train, to acculturate, to inform. We try to promote trades in industry and this involves actions that revolve around vocational guidance. We will show that the industry is no longer what we imagined with a very present digital. We are trying to build a site to attract people by showing them how these professions work by showing what is happening in the territory with testimonials to ensure that people are not just passing through and that we can collect their names to invite them later. We also have forums, open houses and industry weeks. Companies are present at our side, to testify with their employees. We are also trying to reach schools. There are also virtual reality modules to make an original approach.
There is a development of Soft Skills, with a focus on skills such as curiosity, teamwork. We are particularly targeting industry 4.0, CSR, management, etc.
With the actors we build fab labs and then we create small format Afterworks.
The program is piloted by the campus, bringing together 7 players, including Le FIL. We are working on a 2.8M € project, accompanied by the 4 EPCIs which are contributing several thousand euros to the projects.
A lot of actions are financed through elements such as the organization of training, the organization of innovative projects on training or we provide equipment to innovate.
We remain very open to whatever happens. We feed off exchanges with each other. We are a territorial campus, all sectors are represented, we are on a transversal approach.
J.-BD: The campus here is a network and not a building that offers a set of training courses.
Speech by Carole Le Solliec, Fabmanager of FabLab Le FIVE
The FIVE is an association law 1901, created by companies for companies. This fablab was supported by local authorities but is still run by companies. We have technological equipment, a coworking space, an event section with a development on innovation. Our approach is that of “learning by doing”.
The main objective is to get the employee out of the company to encourage him to discover something else. Today it will be 3 and a half years that we exist and the first links appear. In our territories there are key players and people who will work together.
You can come to the fablab with a project or not. Some come to discover and collect ideas by exchanging with people.
Our economic system is mainly contributions from companies, we are not going to do for people, it is people who come because we are going to train them. It is a sharing of knowledge. We are in charge of maintenance, events… we know how to do a lot of things. The objective is to constantly improve skills by learning with users.
There are classes that come to discover what a third place, a fablab… thanks to the campus project, we want to create a second fablab in Vitré.
We want to link manufacturers and our members. We have a technological watch job, we are going to acquire new equipment that we will have learners test.
The advantage of contributing to a place like this is that we will have the budget to buy machines, test them and teach members how to use them. Therein lies the return on investment. We have 4 big companies that earn us enough income to be financially independent. For example, there is Thalès who contributes and whom we help.
How is the support of the learners going?
MP: We are in the process of thinking, we would like to see how we can support learners, in the entire process, from research to training. Trying to imagine things more broadly, going beyond just training, looking at what happens before but also after. The fact of telling oneself how to prepare the exit towards employment, the tools, the approaches, a vision as global as possible follow the learner from the beginning to the end of the process.
What are the triggers of the fablab?
PR: It is first of all a contract with the Region in which there was the question of digital. We had the meeting with William Aumand, Fabmanager, who had his interest in creating such a place.
In conclusion
René Caspar, Consultant on Learning Territories
I find this session particularly interesting. The first point is that we are working on existing companies, so it is incremental innovation. It is more subtle work than disruptive innovation and which is more difficult to make elected officials understand because it takes time. There are indeed financing difficulties.
There is an acculturation, it is rare that we are concerned about it because we are often in territories where the population had no feelings and did not want to enter into development. Here we try to make it participate, there is an acculturation and an integration.
We use fashion and need to use modern technologies for people to use them. People are learning to work together around these tools.