Winner of the call for projects Collective Mobilization for Rural Development (MCDR)
launched by the National Rural Network,
We launched the Learning Territory project in January 2019, which aims - over three years - to identify innovative territorial learning mechanisms that help improve the resilience of territories and secure the career paths of individuals.
How to promote access to key skills to people who are not even in the information universe? How to transmit a culture which helps to live and humanizes, which can be a lever to learn and process information?
How to identify these populations? How to "listen" to them? How to adapt the training courses, that is to say to personalize the training strategies as much as possible to reach a greater number?
We believe that there are important bridges between these metropolises and the territories, in particular via the way in which the populations furthest from employment can be taken into account in their learning. For these people, traditional learning systems are not or not sufficiently effective, so it is necessary to consider other methods, other approaches.
Project actions
The MCDR project will allow us to carry out three levels of work throughout the project:
- Territory audits, to discover and analyze the learning mechanisms in the territories.
- Working time between partners to compare the audits with the expertises and analyzes of the partners, and together analyze the subject in more depth.
- Communication time, to share these elements more widely, discuss them and compare them to other angles of analysis (conferences, debate evenings, etc.).
Ultimately, we propose to produce a practical guide and capitalization on how to launch a dynamic of learning territory with more innovative initiatives written in the form of files.