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Communauté de communes d'Erdre et Gesvres
Jana Boivin
Campus Connecté
Le Vignan
Marc Dedeire, Professeur en aménagement du territoire, Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier et Chercheur
Territoire en commum
William Aumand, Fabmanager in Fougères (35)
Serge Fouchet, Director of the Polyglotte association (Nort sur Erdre, 44)
Olivier Bagarri, Director of the European University of Scents and Flavors (Forcalquier, 04)
Sarah Wasserstrom, Head of cultural action Château de Goutelas, Cultural meeting center (Loire)
Marie-Claude Mioche, President of Château de Goutelas, Cultural Encounter Center (Loire)
Marion Richarte, Head of the Public Action and Sustainable Development Improvement Department (CCEG 44)
Grégory Diguet, Director of Château de Goutelas, Cultural Encounter Center (Loire)
Geoffrey Nail-Baud, Soil and Civilization Trainee Territories student 2020
Annick Colas, deputy director of the Lycée Saint Martin and the professional high school of Erdre (44)
Fabrice Just, Teacher in Letters, History and Geography (Loire)
Caroline Saez, Director of the Bléone Durance Rural Family Home
Patricia Andriot, National Rural Network management authority
“How did you experience this Learning Encounter?”
Giang Pham, project manager
“Learning territories: késako? "
Patricia Andriot, National Rural Network management authority
“Why did the Rural Network choose the Learning Territories project? "
Guillaume Dhérissard, Director of Soil and Civilization
“Soil and Civilization, what is it? and Learning Territories? "
Isabelle Bories Azeau, lecturer at the University of Montpellier
“What is a skill? "
Xavier Lemonde, director of IFOCAP
“What is a learning encounter? "
Pascale Ract, pedagogical manager at IFOCAP
“How did you experience this Learning Encounter?”
René Caspar, Expert en développement territorial
« Territoires apprenants et développement territorial »
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