Portrait of Philippe Dugravot
How is the Local Mission a territorial player in the training of young people?
The backbone of our action is part of the “1 young 1 solution” plan set up by the government, by being particularly involved with young people, in the construction of their professional project, their training project, information on training, with a view to providing them with the best possible support for employment. For this we have two devices. The first is the Youth Guarantee which makes it possible to benefit from a set of actions associating the main partners in access to employment (associations, companies, training centers). The second is the Contractualized Support Pathway towards Employment and Autonomy (PACEA) with a desire to act in a dynamic and innovative way with these young people in difficulty and for a long time already removed from employment.
To fuel these systems, we are constantly raising awareness among companies. For example, in 2019 we signed contracts with around sixty companies in the region to allow recruitments and training actions for young audiences.
The Youth Guarantee is in fact the intensive phase of PACEA!
What do you think are the strategic skills for young people with a view to their integration into local businesses?
The Mission Locale Nord Atlantique covers a territory of 136,000 inhabitants spread over 49 municipalities, between the Communities of Municipalities of Erdre and Gesvres, Blain, Nozay, and Châteaubriant-Derval. This represents very contrasted territories, with sectors where we will find more business opportunities in digital and new technologies, while in other sectors we will find more personal services companies. , a field of activity in strong development in our territory, as well as companies in the building or metallurgy sectors.
It is important to underline that in this context, the action of the Local Mission is also oriented towards the discovery of trades and in particular those in tension, in a period when technical skills (know-how), but also interpersonal skills. , are an important expectation of companies.
In your opinion, is the Territory an essential link for local businesses?
Through the actions of the Local Mission, we wish to enhance and promote this complementarity in terms of the economic dynamism of the territory. To do this, we are working with Pôle Emploi and a number of partners at the local level. For example with the Local Council for Employment, Training and Professional Orientation (CLEFOP) which allows us to work at periodic intervals under the authority of the Sub-Prefect, with in particular, representatives of the Communities of Municipalities, companies , and consular chambers. We are thinking about the conditions under which we can together promote the economic development of our territory and in this context, the recruitment of young people.
We are on a scale that allows all the players in the territory to get to know each other well, and this facilitates exchanges and reflections with all these partners.
In my opinion, these privileged relations and this knowledge of the young people of our territories are the richness of the action in the territories.